Beautiful inside and out

Anyone who knows Amy McLennan would agree with that statement. Amy is a beautiful soul, and a wonderfully calm presence on a job. I have worked with Amy on some critical photo shoots and she's always had a smile and contribution that just makes everything better. I haven't had the opportunity to work with Amy as much across the last few months since she opened her own store: clean beauty on Jesse Street, Wellington, NZ.

Her mahi as a makeup artist in the film and fashion industries led her to seek out, and now offer in her store, products that 'help us to feel our best, connect to our essence of beauty, and to live lightly on the planet'. I love the ethos of her store: they embrace natural living, caring for ourselves, others and the planet in way that are gentle, sustainable and nurturing.

How would you describe yourself and your mahi in the world in 2024?

I have always loved connecting with my clients but now more-so than ever. People joke that being a makeup artist is like being a therapist and not that I think this is the case, but it is a real privilege to share these small windows of time with a client and hear what goes on for them, or how they see themselves and how they want to look/feel/be in the world. The irony of what I am about to say doesn't escape me, as I'm adding-to and altering people's features, but I describe my work as authentic, I love the connection, I love to help people look their best. I am deeply passionate about health, wellbeing and not putting chemical crap on one's face to purely line the pockets of corporate giants.

The irony of what I am about to say doesn't escape me, as I'm adding-to and altering people's features, but I describe my work as authentic, I love the connection, I love to help people look their best.


What brings you joy on a regular basis (big or small)?

Meeting and working with delightful clients in - my clean beauty makeup studio and store.

Nailing a makeup brief for a shoot

Walking in the town belt

Doing Yoga

Eating sticky buns at Queen Sally's Diamond Deli

My morning coffee at Black Coffee

Playing board games with my kids

Working my way through a jig-saw puzzle

What’s been a recent rewarding work experience you’ve had?

I've had a number of them recently. I had a fun commercial which required 3 different wig looks, it had a very short lead-in time and due to the excellent makeup community networks I was able to source some good options and the shoot was fast and furious but the looks came together well and it was fun to have some off-the-wall looks.

I was also part of a 2-day shoot for the Royal NZ Ballet for a contemporary bill they have coming up. The immense talent on all fronts was inspiring and I am very much looking forward to seeing the final visuals for this.

What’s one favourite thing about living in Newtown, Wellington?

Only one!? Being able to walk most places - I have so many.

What was your experience of being photographed by me?

Considering I spend a lot of time on shoots and behind cameras, I am always taken aback at how uncomfortable I am in front of them.

Rebecca is gentle, kind but direct, so I really didn't need to give too much thought to things and I appreciated that. The kids warmed to her playful and engaged ways, and Rebecca really did all the work, physically moving herself and things to get the right shots, we just had to be loving and family-ish, hehe, not always easy with someone documenting family life. It was also quick and didn't require much effort.

I appreciated Rebecca's gentle control of the situation and the photos are beautiful, despite it being a dark, cold day. I will treasure them always and I thoroughly recommend using Rebecca to document this time of life for you too!

Bonus question: any recommendations for podcasts / books / music that you’ve enjoyed recently that I should make time for?

It's taken me 3 months to read Doppelganger by Naomi Klein. I am equally soothed by knowing her mind is in this world and unnerved by how complex and depressing our systems and societies are. I am better educated on some many things after reading this important book.

Amy photographed at home in Newtown, Wellington, NZ